I live and practice in Binfield in Berkshire and am married with three grown-up children who really are the reason that I discovered homeopathy!
I originally took a degree in Library and Information Studies which led me to work in the IT industry, initially for a small company but later in the corporate world of IT (with all it’s stresses and challenges).
Children 🙂 
After the birth of my first son, I returned to work part-time and struggled with broken nights as my firstborn had very disrupted sleep. Time ticked away and when he still wasn’t sleeping through the night at over a year old, I was trying all sorts of possible solutions including controlled crying (I hated that and so did he!) and dietary changes. Eventually my sister suggested homeopathy – I had never heard of it but was interested in any possible solution – I asked a trusted contact for a recommendation and booked in to see a local homeopath. I enjoyed the consultation and the interest that the homeopath took in my understanding the finer details of my son’s sleeping habits as well as his personality. She prescribed a remedy and within a week he was sleeping through the night and continued to do so.
As time passed by I took him back to see our homeopath as health issues came up such as eczema, Molluscum contagiosum, Chicken pox, teething and so on. His response to eczema treatment was amazing and I was truly hooked by now. I had also gone to see the homeopath for my own health and felt my emotional well-being was enhanced through homeopathic treatment.
I went on to have two more babies and used homeopathic remedies during labour for pain relief and exhaustion to the exclusion of any conventional labour drugs (I had not enjoyed the effects of these first time round). Naturally I am now very interested in supporting couples in the use of homeopathy in pregnancy and labour as well as treating babies and mums who are post-partum.
Professional Training 
Initially I studied homeopathy through some evening classes at my local college where I learnt to use homeopathic remedies to treat minor ailments in the home – this was very empowering and meant that I developed more confidence in understanding the symptoms the body is communicating.
In 2005 I began a BSc(Hons) degree in Homeopathy at Thames Valley University. The training included anatomy, pathology, study of remedies, practitioner development, 100 hours of clinical observation, a dissertation (mine was on homeopathy and infertility) and in the final year we took on our own case load and worked under supervision of an experienced homeopath.
In order to progress my knowledge and keep up-to-date with exciting developments, I attend regular seminars and training courses on many aspects of homeopathy. I also recently became interested in Hair Mineral Analysis as an additional tool that I can use to inform my prescribing and so I have undertaken some training on that.
In 2016 I happily departed from the world of corporate IT to focus fully on my homeopathy practice. I heard a quote recently – ‘Find a job that you love doing and you’ll never have to work again’ – I have to say that is what being a homeopath is to me – I work with the loveliest people helping them get to a better level of health.